
Obviously I haven't posted much of a portfolio up here yet as the site is a couple of days old but Ill explain a bit of my history and how I work for commission. I am NOT limited to anime/cartoonish style 3d renders in small resolutions and the only media I don't work with is paint.

First and foremost, I have yet to charge a penny for anything I've done in the past though I have accepted the occasional gift, I have never wanted to do this stuff for money.
Basically, I've been sketching all my life but started doing 3d for myself as a hobby, quickly getting requests from friends for funny avatars and things like that. At one point I had a pretty extensive online gallery which I've taken down for personal reasons, call it a fresh start, and with it came emails asking for drawings be they erotic or otherwise including:

  • 3d
  • Tattoos
  • desktop backgrounds
  • pen/ink/pencil sketches
  • cartoons

When I get a request, if it appeals to me, then I'll talk more with whoever sent me the note. I think its the highest flattery to have someone want you do put their thoughts into imagery and I will reply whether I do the work or not to thank you at the very least.

BBBen's game was an example of two people chatting and me getting into the idea of doing some stuff for his AIF. This lead to many 100s of man hours rendering, sketching, modeling and so on to get what he wanted.

Previous to BBBen a couple asked me to render them into 3d as Fae with a LOT of specific requests for the setting, the subject matter (It was romantically erotic), the render was to be an anniversary gift and took two months to complete.

These and others like these are examples of random requests I've taken on so don't be shy about asking for something.

One of the reasons I don't publish a lot of my work, is simply because what I do for others becomes theirs Utterly. I could fill this site with over 1000 images that never made it into super PAC for example but even the drafts and rejected full version renders are property of BBBen to use or not use as he sees fit. Likewise with my other commissions, I take this confidence seriously so that nothing I do tends to turn up on the internet unless posted by the owners.

As of writing this page, the blog is literally days old. When I have a chance to select some works, Ill put them up in here some place to be seen. In the meantime, if you have something you'd like done, the worse I can say is no.


  1. Hey Phinn do you do any uncensoring work as in if I had a collection of pics and most were censored and of different styles could you uncensor them?

    If you can would it be to the original art or your own?

    When would you need permission from the artists: personal collection, game edits, or game creations?

    I am no artist and you are clearly one of the best out there, so I had to ask you.

  2. Don't take it personal, the short answer is yes, but if you would like to talk specifics on requests an email through the contact info on the blog would be better then leaving an anonymous comment hehe.


